lucy and i are enjoying not having to be anywhere today. we are staying in our pjs for awhile. i skipped my workout this morning (don't worry cassandra i will do it later in the day today) to stay in bed with my little lady for an extra hour or two...it was great! not to mention...drinking coffee when you are in your pjs just makes it taste better i think. the pic above is lucy napping under her prayer shawl that someone at my parent's church made for her...so sweet!
i just have to stop and say...isn't it so nice to be blogging about such mundane things again????? praise God for the norm!
tomorrow is d's birthday. she has been saving up for another American girl doll (i refuse to spend that kind of money on another one!) since Christmas and she is almost to the amount that she needs. i think she needs another $4 or something. we recently took all of her money out to recount and she was missing some but after cleaning her room i found a big chunk in one of her cubbies. so i took all of the cash and ordered her the doll. i treated for the shipping and the extra $4 as her birthday present. i know that doesn't seem like much but i had already spent $30 on another gift she got a couple of weeks ago. she will be so excited when that gift shows up...but i think it's not getting there until the day after her b-day...still she will be excited!
today i will try to tackle the garage. it desperately needs to be organized and it's not as disgustingly hot outside as it has been lately. our big storms we were supposed to have yesterday turned out to be a nice steady sprinkle for all of half an hour. we NEED rain so badly. anyway...the garage...yes, it needs to be cleaned up and organized. i also got my scrap booking stuff out and on the dining room table so i could get caught up while lucy is napping or watching a movie.
nothing exciting to report...isn't that nice?????????
Yay! So happy Lucy is doing so well and that things are getting back to normal!