Tuesday, June 22, 2010

oh sleep, why dost thou leave me?

last night could've been a lot worse but it seemed painful being awakened every hour. our nursing team here is awesome and they do their best not to wake us up but they have to make lucy open her eyes and then they check her pupils by shining a huge flashlight in them. poor lucy...she was weepy last night. she wanted her dad and she wanted to go home. i don't blame her...i feel the same way.
she woke up this morning at 7...awesome job lucy! she is stiff but moving well and in good spirits so far. her liquid IV was disconnected this morning to see if she could get enough fluids on her own. if she can do it then the IV can come out today sometime. i also let her wear panties instead of diapers so she is slowly getting more comfortable. i also brought a toy that my dear friend betsy sent lucy (thanks bets!) last week. i pulled it out of a bag this morning and boy did she smile!! she is playing as best she can without moving like she wants to.

i'm so proud of lucy for being such a trooper. she really is amazing to me. even the nurses can't believe how good she is about taking medicine and doing what they tell her to. it would be easy to protest every part of this but she is handling it really well!

i got to have a moment last night where i was just so appreciative to God for our new perspective on life. it's so precious and we take it for granted too often. i'm grateful for my lucy...for all of my kids. they are such blessings and i hate that i am not appreciating them for who they are all the time. why does it take a surgery for me to realize what amazing little people they are???? hopefully today will include taking out lucy's IV and unhooking her from every monitor known to man. she will be much more comfortable and i know that means we are one step closer to going home. she will do better at home and i think i will too!

thanks for the continues prayers!!! they really are making everything go perfectly.


  1. I have been constantly praying for not only Lucy but for you and Joe, for the other two kids, for the nurses, the doctors and everyone involved in this whole process. I wish I could be there to help you with the other kids, do something, even as simple as holding your hand or relieving you with Lucy for 30 minutes so you can walk around. Just know that we are here for you, even though we're not 'there'. :)

  2. I know exactly what you mean about appreciating life so much more when you risk losing it - your father and I have been there for many years now. It's a good lesson and one you will never forget. I'm so glad Lucy is being such a strong girl - she is her mother's child! And her Uncle Tyler was also one tough cookie when he was in the hospital. Makes it that much easier on you. Can't wait to see you guys - so happy and relieved that all is going well! Love you all so much-

  3. Liz, I don't think you remember me, but your Mom and Dad know me. Anyway, I have been in constant prayer for your little Lucy since I heard of the situation...and not just for her, but for all who love her and are caring for her in this. He holds her in His hand,He's watching over her, and all of you. Let Him be your strength, and remember, we've got you saturated in prayer. "This too shall pass" and will one day be a mere memory.
