Saturday, January 30, 2010

disney world

disney was great!!! we all had so much fun and i can't even list the things we got to do. it would take up my entire blog space! some of the highlights were, watching tucker do jedi training and then fighting darth vader, watching the kiddos on the roller coasters...they laughed and put their arms up in the air, having lunch with all of the princesses and being very spoiled, watching the kids squirm everytime we passed a character that they were scared of, watching my kids LOVE being with my parents, and of course, watching my parents laugh and have fun.
we were exhausted every single night but we needed to take advantage of all of our time there so why not push ourselves to the limits?
the best part of the vacation was coming home (to my own bed) and finding out that i had lost 3.3lbs while i was gone!!!! imagine what i could've lost if i hadn't cheated on my diet at all!!!! i was pleasantly surprised!!!
so today i am off to the grocery store, working out at the y, and going on a date with my husband tonight! i don't have much laundry to do, just unpacking, but that can wait for another day...maybe tomorrow.
i'll post pix later!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

biggest loser

i reached my first weight loss goal and that was to lose 20 pounds. my weigh in at weight watchers was quickly followed by a celebration between joe and i. we ordered in some dominoes and i ate until my stomach hurt...which didn't take very long. i guess my body is not used to that food anymore so i was up with a churning stomach most of monday night. tuesday i got on my wii fit and it told me i had gained 2.4 lbs!!!!! i am working my tail off this week to get back to where i was.
we are leaving for disney world on sunday. i am so excited but so stressed at the same time. i will feel great when the plane lands and we are in FL....and also once the bags meet us at the hotel. i know the kids are going to flip their lids at what we will see and what rides we will ride. i can't wait to see them so excited. i will also treasure the special memories that we will make. my parents are going with us which will make it that much more fun.
lucy has a cold which i'm hoping she'll get over quickly. daisy and tucker seem fine now but you never know. the nice FL warm sun and air will help us all feel better, i'm sure.
lately, i have been feeling led to stay on our schooling path that we are on already. i will take it year by year and try to follow the path God is laying out for me. i do have a peace about where they are and i think keeping them there will be a good thing. i am still open to change though if that's what needs to happen.
just wanted to update everyone...i'll write more when we get back from disney!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

public school

i have always been a die hard public school supporter....until now. for some reason i can't get rid of this feeling that i need to be sending my kids to a christian school. i don't know why i am feeling this...i don't even have a particular school in mind. to be honest, it's really stressing me out. daisy LOVES her school and can't wait to go up to the next building next year.
i could really use some prayers on this one. i need to know what i'm supposed to do and i want to follow God's path for us. if we belong in a christian school, then we will be there. if it's public school, that's great too. i'm afraid of messing it up.