Monday, June 21, 2010

lucy's surgery

lucy got through surgery just fine today. so many of our prayers were answered and to think i was feeling greedy asking for things like a good night's sleep. it's amazing the way God answers even our littlest of prayers!!!
for lucy's surgery there is a minor version where they don't cut through the dura (you can google all of this under chiari malformation and decompression), and the more invasive surgery which is where they cut completely through the dura. the surgeon used his judgement once he got "in there" and felt very confident that he could get what he needed to get without cutting all the way through the dura. was a middle of the road surgery. this is just perfect for us. we were worried about the more minor surgery because of the surgeon not being able to fully get what he needed to, and we were concerned with the major surgery because of the miserable recovery period. we didn't even know that this middle surgery was an option. this truly is the power of God at work on all accounts.
lucy is lying here now in front of me in miserable pain. the nurses have been telling me that tomorrow is worse. i'm saving my tears for while she is asleep because when she is awake i have to work on calming her down. hopefully this pain won't last too terribly long for her sake.
gotta go eat some lunch now...i'll write more tomorrow. thanks so much everyone for all of your prayers. lucy is literally covered in prayer-she is wearing her prayer shawl that a very special lady from my parents' church knitted for her. love it! ...more updates to come...


  1. Hi Liz,
    I am so happy to hear that she is through the surgery! So awesome to hear that they were able to do it "middle of the road" to be sure things are fixed, but hopefully the recovery time will be easier on her. Hang in there! She will be running around with that beautiful smile on her face in no time :)! I will watch your blog closely for updates. Keep finding the "God things" in it all so you can think about those when you feel sad. He is good and in control of every second of these next few days! Praying for peace and rest for you all... especially your little Lucy :). Love, The Colberts :)

  2. I wish I were there. I know very well about saving the tears for when they aren't looking-been there and done that. We are all stronger than we think because God grants us strength for the battle we are facing. I am praying that you feel His loving arms around you as you minster to our sweet little girl - so much like another sweet little girl I used to know....I love you!

  3. Liz,
    I'm praying for Lucy every time I think of her...which is often. I wish that you or Lucy (or any of your family) didn't have to go down this road. But God works for the good in all things; He's in control. We'll continue to pray for her and you too. You're an amazing mom!

  4. I was so relieved to read your posts and hear that the surgery went well.Little Lucy has been on my mind for sure.God has given you the strength to heal and nurture precious Lucy back to health,she is a blessed little one. Love you so much-shawn

  5. Love you lizzy!!! Thinking and praying for you and little Lucy, and I'll be especially praying that tomorrow won't be so bad!! That God would take the pain and help this beautiful little girl to get back to her beautiful smiley little self very very very soon! You are not alone Lizzy, and remember "you can do ALL things through Christ who will strengthen you!" ~ Phil 4:13

  6. Thanks for posting this Liz. I appreciate the updates, and hearing the specific prayer requests. Praying still....
