Thursday, August 5, 2010

back to reality

in some ways it's so good to be back home. it's nice to sleep in my bed and not wake up with back pain, it's nice to have vegetables at every meal, and it's nice...well...i'm having trouble coming up with a third thing about being home...oh's AWESOME to be back with joe full time again! we are such a great team and have so much fun together that i really do miss him when he is away. not to mention i miss the extra set of hands when it comes to bath and bedtime with the kids.
i do hate coming back to the craziness of life though. boy did i love sitting on the beach and not having a care in the world. here we are now with the phone ringing off of the hook, neighborhood kids ringing the doorbell every hour, and chores that need my attention. i miss being with my kids already. daisy leaves for overnight camp on sunday...her first time...and i am going to miss her so much. if it wasn't the family's camp, and if my sister in law didn't live down there, daisy would not be going...but who am i to hold her back...she wants to go so she should go and have a great time! i just hate letting her go....
we went shopping yesterday for tucker's back to school stuff. WHAT???? when did this kid get old enough to go to kindergarten???? and what was i thinking to find a school that could keep him full day????? i know in my heart that God led us to this special school so tucker could have a full day and not be rushed through his learning but it is coming at me too fast. it will just be me and lucy in the afternoons for this year and then she goes full day next year. wow...suddenly my world is changing and i am certainly not ready for it. i always talked about this but now that it is a reality it's very daunting. i just got established as a "stay at home mom" and now what? back to work?
lucy went for her recheck at the hospital yesterday and she got the approval to go ahead with no restrictions. let's just pray that she doesn't have anymore vomitting episodes and that we are past this problem all together.
i'm off to the gym now at this crazy early hour but it's the only time i can do it and not take time away from the kiddos. thankfully my neighbor is going with me and i adore spending time with her so it makes it easy to get out of bed.