Wednesday, January 6, 2010

public school

i have always been a die hard public school supporter....until now. for some reason i can't get rid of this feeling that i need to be sending my kids to a christian school. i don't know why i am feeling this...i don't even have a particular school in mind. to be honest, it's really stressing me out. daisy LOVES her school and can't wait to go up to the next building next year.
i could really use some prayers on this one. i need to know what i'm supposed to do and i want to follow God's path for us. if we belong in a christian school, then we will be there. if it's public school, that's great too. i'm afraid of messing it up.


  1. your heart won't lead you wrong. you're an amazing mother and a great christian will make the right decision, i am convinced of it.

  2. Wow. I wrote a long comment and it didn't post. I'll try again.

    These are always difficult decisions. I can suggest something that works for us if you want to try. It's a version of "laying out a fleece" and what you do is make a list of things that need to be accomplished for you to go in one direction or another. In other words, you could say: 1. Find a school that we absolutely love 2. Meet the teachers our kids would have 3. Discover some family close by who attends - whatever the list is is up to you. The list can be negatives or positives and can be for either choice. Then, pray over the list regularly and as each item is accomplished, cross it off. If they begin being crossed off you'll find a wonderful peace comes over you as you see God's hand directing you. One way or another!

    Just a suggestion. You will make the right decision and remember, God can work with us and through us no matter what direction we head. Life is full of crossroads and forks in the road and whichever way we go, as long as we are willing and open, God will use our circumstances and situation to minister to us and use us. So you cannot make a wrong decision!

    I will be praying for you as well on this.

  3. It's a very hard decision Liz, but I agree with Amanda, that your intuition could just be God pulling you in that direction. Your mom's advice was wonderful too... wow... I may have to try that. Anyway, let me know if you want to talk it over. I've taught in both kinds of schools.
