Wednesday, October 20, 2010


so it's my first full day without facebook and i feel a little sad and yet relieved that i don't know everyone's happenings for the day up to the minute detail of their lives. suddenly i have more time in the morning. the kids are watching their one tv show for the morning and soon i can pack lunches and get them ready. what cracks me up the most is everyone acting like this is such a big deal. i got so many phone calls and emails and texts wondering if i was okay!!! wow...facebook is such a part of our society now i guess that something MUST be wrong with me for me to want to cancel my account. FUNNY!!!!

hopefully next year when the kids are full day i'll get back into the world of facebook but for now, i need to focus on more important life is too crazy this year to add one more thing to it.

i will update my blog as much as i can with pictures and just mundane things that happen around our house. like today lucy and i are heading to the pumpkin patch for her field trip. it should be a fun morning and then this afternoon i am heading to NJ to visit cassandra for the day!!! i can't wait to see her and i'm sure we'll have a fun dinner out together....not to mention the shopping beforehand.


  1. I've been backing away from FB myself lately. It was taking too much of my time each day, and when I was choosing to check statuses instead of play with my kids... that's a problem.
    Have fun with Cassandra. Super jealous!!!!!!
