Sunday, November 1, 2009

the happiest people

i recently watched an episode of oprah that showed the happiest people in the world. they had traveled all the way to denmark to feature them on the show. i noticed one common theme in the people's lives that they followed....the absence of STUFF. there houses were tiny!!! but their houses were so clean and had no clutter. one husband even said to oprah "less room, less stuff, more life" i LOVE that.

i am inspired to get rid of stuff. in the near future i will be clearing out my house, room by room. i will start with my kitchen cabinets because our new flooring is being installed in a few weeks and i would love to not schlep stuff around that doesn't even belong back in my cabinets. do i need three sets of plates? one set for the kids, one set for us, one set for the basement? no way...i will be getting rid of one set...i will be getting rid of mugs, glasses we never use, gadgets, cookie cutters, platters, cupcake tins....i am getting excited just thinking about it.

when we first moved in i remember being so excited about all of the space in the house...why is it that now i need more storage? hhhhmmmm....hopefully i won't feel that way after my big purge. wish me luck!!


  1. good luck! i love a good purge!!! i plan on purging some stuff in my basement ASAP! :)

  2. I agree with you - it's just hard physically for me to do that anymore! My attic.....oy vey. But the older I get the less I want to leave a mess for my kids to deal with. On the other hand, I'm getting too old to deal with it myself. Such are the dilemmas of life! :-)

  3. I couldn't agree more, Liz! I've found that the same principles are true in England as well... smaller houses and less stuff. It sometimes makes me embarassed to be an American. And are they less happy bc they have less stuff? No way! As a whole, I'd say the English are happier than Americans, despite the weather! :)
